Thought Forums

Be prepared for thoughtful and engaging discussions. Thought Forums are open to all registered participants and offer an opportunity to share insights and first-hand experiences on a variety of hot topics.


April 29, 2024

Time Stream Session
15:00 - 17:00

How Colleges and institutes are adapting their internationalization strategies to a changing landscape (E/SI)

Engage with members of CICan’s International Advisory Committee (IAC) in a thoughtful conversation on how institutions and regions across Canada are adapting to recent policy changes impacting Canada’s international education sector and what they are doing to ensure that students...
15:00 - 17:00

Adapting to Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Colleges and Institutes Navigating Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Times of Complexity and Uncertainty (E/SI)

Join us for a thought-provoking forum that delves into how colleges can continue to make progress in equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in uncertain and complex times. This session will feature an insightful panel discussion with leaders from across the...
15:00 - 17:00

Indigenous Horizons: Celebrating Progress, Charting Future Paths (E/SI)

Join us for a dynamic discussion at our thought forum as we explore the current landscape of indigenous education within colleges, focusing on the use of indigenous protocols. Delve into the future strategies that colleges can employ to enhance support...
15:00 - 17:00

Reimagining the research enterprise ecosystem: navigating institutional research goals (E/SI)

Join four college and institute leaders from across the country as they explore the nuances of working at different institution types, while also sharing information about how college and polytechnic applied research functions in practice. Topics to be explored include...
15:00 - 17:00

Green Collar Jobs: The skills revolution Canada needs to reach Net Zero (E/SI)

Join us to hear the latest research from the Conference Board of Canada, the Pembina Institute and ECO Canada on the green workforce needs of Canada and hear reflections from College and Institute presidents, students and industry on these trends....

Code of Conduct & Duty of Care

As we begin holding events in person, the health and safety of all attendees remains our priority. Learn more about the extra steps in place to protect everyone attending our events in-person.