
Green Building Standards: A tool for Net Zero (E/SI)

April 30, 2024 11:30 - 12:30 Macleod Hall AView map

Humber College has been building and operating its portfolio for more than a decade with the mindset of global leadership in sustainability. We recently introduced Green Building Standards, which mandate some of the most stringent sustainability requirements in the country for all construction and retrofits at the institution. These standards contribute to the college’s various strategic plans and initiatives, including the Integrated Energy Master Plan and Climate Action Plan. Humber’s Green Building Standards establish clear deliverables that must be met by design and construction teams. Since we developed our IEMP in 2016 Humber has completed award winning projects in every area of the built environment and this expertise guided the development of these standards. We have results demonstrating our ability to achieve significant energy and carbon reduction. We have learned what works, what does not, what is cost effective and what is worth investing in. We will also share how we’ve utilized the Green Building Standards to successfully walk the line between prescriptive standards and leaving room for innovation. This session will present these standards and open the floor to questions and discussion on how buy-in was achieved, how priorities were established and how other institutions can potentially tailor these standards to suit their specific needs. The hope is that we can collaborate as a sector and leverage our collective experience – ultimately allowing the sector to build more efficient and resilient buildings in a practical way.

Stream: Leading Sustainability

This stream will examine how colleges and institutes can expand their leadership role in contributing to the SDGs and ensuring sustainability across multiple sectors. Sessions will be guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to include areas like curriculum development, solutions-oriented approaches to applied research, and designing smart green campuses. Sessions will also look at strategies that colleges and institutes are implementing to deliver a just and green transition to a net zero future.


Spencer Wood
Director, Facilities Management | Humber College
Aman Hehar
Associate Director, Energy and Climate Change | Humber College
Lindsay Walker
Director, Sustainability | Humber College

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