The CICan Connection Conference is now biennial! Join us in Ottawa from April 21 – April 23, 2026, for an even more impactful event. Stay tuned!


Around the World in No Time At All: Collaborative Online International Learning at 3 Institutions (E/SI)

April 30, 2024 11:30 - 12:30 Macleod Hall BView map

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is an emergent methodology in global learning in which students and instructors participate in a virtual exchange, collaborating on meaningful tasks in cross-cultural groups. COIL provides students with a global learning experience, without leaving their country of study. Through COIL, students, and their instructors, develop the ability to communicate in multicultural environments, develop an appreciation for diversity, strengthen the understanding of their own discipline, and engage with new technology in innovative ways to meet the goals of their projects. Students come together from various backgrounds across time zones to work to create truly unique projects. In this panel session, three expert panellists from three institutions in British Columbia will share their experience in setting up and sustaining COIL projects. Sharing wins, woes, and everything in between, the audience will learn about how these global collaborations engage faculty in curricular innovation and international knowledge sharing, foster student engagement, drive innovation, and reduce barriers for students who may have never otherwise had these intercultural opportunities. The topics addressed will focus on getting started with COIL projects, original and current COIL projects underway at each institution, institutional supports for COIL – how to advocate for them, set them up, and ensure COIL sustainability, and lessons learned through the panellists’ COIL activities.

Stream: Cultivating Global Collaborations

Geared towards international education experts and practitioners, this stream will explore how international partnerships, fostering student mobility, pioneering innovations in international assistance, and fostering applied research collaborations are shaping a workforce that is not just ready for the future but is designed to thrive in it.


Brit Paris
Director, Teaching and Learning | Capilano University
Natasha Mrkic-Subotic
Acting Dean, Faculty of Global and Community Studies | Capilano University
Romana Pasca
Manager, International Projects, Partnerships, and Global Engagement | North Island College
Andrew Osborne
Faculty, Intercultural Communication | Douglas College

Code of Conduct & Duty of Care

As we begin holding events in person, the health and safety of all attendees remains our priority. Learn more about the extra steps in place to protect everyone attending our events in-person.