The CICan Connection Conference is now biennial! Join us in Ottawa from April 21 – April 23, 2026, for an even more impactful event. Stay tuned!

Christina Oleynik

Student Research Assistant
Suncrest College

Christina is in her fourth year of her Bachelor of Indigenous Education through First Nations University. She is taking her degree at Suncrest College Yorkton, Sk. Christina works as a student research assistant in Applied Research at Suncrest College on a land-based education project.

Speaker information is presented in the language originally submitted.


May 1, 2024 | 14:00 - 15:00 | Glen Rm 206

Research at the Pace of a First Nation (E/SI)

Code of Conduct & Duty of Care

As we begin holding events in person, the health and safety of all attendees remains our priority. Learn more about the extra steps in place to protect everyone attending our events in-person.