The CICan Connection Conference is now biennial! Join us in Ottawa from April 21 – April 23, 2026, for an even more impactful event. Stay tuned!


Leadership in Governance (formerly: Governors Network Session) (E)

April 28, 2024 08:30 - 15:00 Macleod Hall DView map

How can governance lead and support your institutions’ sustainable journey?

Calling all governance board directors, Presidents, and governance specialists. Take part in the ONLY national session geared towards cégeps, college and institute’s governance where likeminded professionals get to network, share, and learn with peers from across the country. This full-day professional development session aims to share your best practices and give tools, key resources to your board and your institution for their sustainable journey.

New this year: Members of the Governance and President’s Office Professionals (GPOP) will join a portion of the session. Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss with your peers and learn how leadership in governance can be key in tomorrow’s sustainable future.

Code of Conduct & Duty of Care

As we begin holding events in person, the health and safety of all attendees remains our priority. Learn more about the extra steps in place to protect everyone attending our events in-person.