
Explore, Engage, Experience: Secondary, Post-secondary and Industry Partnership to Address Shortages in the Trades Workforce (E/SI)

May 1, 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Macleod Hall CView map

This presentation will outline the multi-faceted approach of two Alberta-based post-secondary institutions in collaborating with secondary education authorities and industry partners to raise awareness about diverse career pathways for students stemming from vocational training. Presenters will explore how innovative and collaborative approaches to programming for students in Grades 7-12, are helping to overcome barriers to enrollment and retention in the trades, while fostering parity of esteem in vocational training for youth and their influencers.

Stream: Transforming Leadership and Governance

Geared towards governance professionals, including board members and CEOs, this stream will focus on how institutional leaders are embracing transformational leadership and governance to effect change within their institutions and contribute to the socio-economic well-being of their communities.


Joelle Reynolds
Associate Dean, Youth Initiatives | Lethbridge College
Rozlynn Wick
Manager, Strategic Youth Initiatives | Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

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