The CICan Connection Conference is now biennial! Join us in Ottawa from April 21 – April 23, 2026, for an even more impactful event. Stay tuned!


Creating healthy and inclusive learning environments (F/SI)

May 1, 2024 11:30 - 12:30 Glen Rm 203-204View map

“Diversity is a fact of life, whereas inclusion is a day-to-day choice that must be made. As leaders, we must promote the message that we don’t just support diversity—we embrace it.”
Nellie Borrero.

Education is a major driver of social transformation; unfortunately, it can also be part of a system that reproduces and maintains inequality. Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) measures are essential to overcoming systemic obstacles. It is no longer enough to focus exclusively on the transmission of knowledge; steps must be taken to ensure that knowledge is shared equitably and inclusively.

Many questions may arise as we strive to reach that goal, so knowing where and how to start can be difficult. What role does management play in implementing an EDI policy? How can healthy and inclusive learning spaces be created? What measures should be put in place to make courses and resources more accessible?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, although the sharing of ideas certainly underpins the pursuit of innovation and success. We therefore propose a reflection on EDI best practices. Promoting diversity is a good place to start, but this must be followed by concrete action in both organizational and operational terms. We will be presenting a series of EDI practices designed to foster inclusion while respecting diversity.

Stream: Advancing Teaching, Learning and Student Success

This stream will focus on how colleges and institutes orient themselves to ensure the success of their students, create inclusive campus spaces, promote both physical and mental health, and use new technologies to strengthen support services. Sessions will explore how innovative teaching and assessment methods can take learning beyond the typical classroom setting, including virtual and blended learning, traditional Indigenous ways of knowing, and work-integrated learning in the world of AI.


Jessica Lontsi
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant & Instructor | Cégep Marie-Victorin

Code of Conduct & Duty of Care

As we begin holding events in person, the health and safety of all attendees remains our priority. Learn more about the extra steps in place to protect everyone attending our events in-person.