Le Congrès Connexion de CICan est désormais bisannuel ! Rejoignez-nous à Ottawa du 21 au 23 avril 2026 pour un événement qui aura encore plus d’impact. Restez à l’écoute !


Professionnels de la gouvernance et des bureaux des directeurs généraux (PGBDG) (A)

27 avril 2024 11h00 - 16h00 Macleod E1Voir la carte

Networking | Best Practices | Professional Development

You are invited to attend the GPOP 2024 Annual Conference taking place before the Colleges and Institutes 2024 annual conference in Calgary, Alberta.

GPOP, an acronym for Governance and President’s Office Professionals, is an independent national network of peers providing administrative support to the Board and/or President/CEO of any public college, institution, cégep, university or other organization within the Canadian postsecondary education sector. GPOP’s mission is to elevate the level of expertise held by governance and president’s office professionals by providing networking, mentoring and other professional development opportunities for the benefit of members and their institutions.

Join us for two days filled with learning and connection with colleagues in your field.

Day 1: Saturday, April 27th, 2024

The conference begins with a networking lunch followed by an afternoon of knowledge sharing and presentations on relevant topics (such as AI). We end the day with a welcome reception dinner which is generously sponsored by Prime Management Group Inc.

Day 2: Sunday, April 28th, 2024

This year, we are excited to partner with CICan to offer GPOP attendees the opportunity to connect and learn with Governors and senior leaders at an ‘Excellence in Sustainable Governance’ session. This combined session will be followed by GPOP Information Sharing Tables adjourning at 3:00pm.


The registration fee for this year’s conference is $250. Further details on how to register and the full agenda will be shared at the end of November.

Conference registration is open only for those who support Boards and Presidents administratively.

Hicks Morley Fellowship Award

We encourage GPOP members to apply for the Hicks Morley Fellowship Award that provides $1,000 to support their attendance at the GPOP conference. Additionally, CICan waives the GPOP registration fee for the Hicks Morley Award recipient. Thank you to Hicks Morley and CICan for their generous support of GPOP.

Currently, we are a predominantly an English-speaking group and the conference will be in English only. However, we hope that as the diversity of our membership grows, we will be able to operate in both English and French.


If you or someone you know would benefit from connecting with peers, learning best practices and expanding their network within the post-secondary field, we encourage you to join GPOP today.

To learn more or receive regular updates, please visit our website (gpop.ca), GPOP Teams site, or GPOP Instagram.

Le code de conduite et le devoir de diligence

Alors que nous recommençons à organiser des activités en personne, la santé et la sécurité de tous les participants et participantes demeure notre priorité absolue. Découvrez les mesures supplémentaires qui sont en place pour protéger toutes les personnes qui participent en personne.