
Sustainability and Net-Zero: Straight into the classroom

April 28, 2024 14:00 - 15:00 Macleod 4&3View map

Three short presentations serve as case studies on greening curriculum by integrating the topics of Sustainability, Climate change, and Net-Zero into the classroom. Approaches vary from institution-wide, to program-wide, all the way down to individual instructors in their own classes. Disciplines covered include Computer Science, Business Management, Geography, and Physical Education (and many others, second-hand). For the second half of the session, participants will split into groups, and using a framework of suggested topics, will discuss and brainstorm on the current state of their organizations, visible and invisible barriers to progress, and ways forward on tackling climate change through policy change, culture change, and mindset change. Key take-aways from this highly interactive portion of the session will be methods of leveraging existing policies and activities, organizations and groups that can serve as resources, and the knowledge of approaches that have been successful elsewhere.

Presented by: John Abbott, Confederation, and Algonquin College


Michael Anderson
Professor | Algonquin College
Jessica Burpee
Professor | John Abbott College
Brett Sharman
Professor & Program Coordinator, International Business Management | Confederation College
About our Connection Conference

Growing Talent

April 29 – May 1, 2024

Growing talent for a resilient future
CICan’s annual Connection Conference is the only event of its kind. Hosted in collaboration with Bow Valley College and SAIT, this year’s theme will offer postsecondary leaders and stakeholders from across Canada and around the world the opportunity to discuss, share, and be inspired by how we are growing talent for success in a rapidly changing world.

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