Sofia Rueda

Sustainable Energy and Transportation Specialist
Thompson Rivers University

Sofia has been part of the Sustainability Office at Thompson Rivers University since 2022. Beginning as a research assistant supporting energy projects, she has recently transitioned into the role of Sustainable Energy and Transportation Specialist within the office.

Originally from Colombia, Sofia holds a degree in Environmental Engineering and made the move to Canada in January 2022 to pursue a master’s degree in environmental economics and management at Thompson Rivers University, which she anticipates completing by the end of summer 2024. During her undergraduate studies, Sofia discovered her passion for making sustainability a viable path for companies, emphasizing the importance of embedding efficiency into their processes to increase savings. Her professional journey includes experiences working for public organizations in her home country and for CDP, where she developed an interest in sustainability reporting.

Upon relocating to Canada, Sofia recognized the university as an ideal platform to promote daily sustainable practices among the community, believing in their potential to positively impact the environment. Drawing from her experience in a developing country, Sofia understands the significance of simple actions in effecting substantial change.

Continuing her dedication to ongoing energy and transportation projects at TRU, Sofia is committed to addressing emissions as one of the most pressing challenges. She holds a firm belief in the transformative power of initiatives developed within the Sustainability Office, viewing them as methods for significant change. Sofia’s unwavering conviction stems from her belief that meaningful solutions are those that not only address sustainability concerns but also make life easier for all involved.


April 28, 2024 | 15:30 - 16:30 | Macleod 1&2

Best Practices in Sustainable Transportation on Canadian Campuses

About our Connection Conference

Growing Talent

April 29 – May 1, 2024

Growing talent for a resilient future
CICan’s annual Connection Conference is the only event of its kind. Hosted in collaboration with Bow Valley College and SAIT, this year’s theme will offer postsecondary leaders and stakeholders from across Canada and around the world the opportunity to discuss, share, and be inspired by how we are growing talent for success in a rapidly changing world.

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The health and safety of all attendees remains our priority. Learn more about the extra steps in place to protect everyone attending our events in-person.