How an Indigenous Community of Practice is Transforming Work-Integrated Learning
Indigenous Work Integrated Learning (WIL) positions have been emerging across Canada in recent years and for a good reason. Indigenous people have historically faced barriers when it comes to access to employment and career services. Indigenous students have been subject to tokenisation, lateral violence and unsafe WIL working conditions. As part of another project, the development of the Indigenous WIL Resource Hub, a joint working group was formed, consisting of Indigenous work-integrated learning practitioners across British Columbia. This created a community of practice during the project and there was a wish to continue this community long term. In the summer of 2022 a formal Indigenous WIL community of practice was started amongst UVic and UBC, and since then has seen steady growth of Indigenous members from several post-secondary institutions across the country. From there, we have created an opportunity with a smaller subset of core members who are working strategically to advance this work broadly while holding safe spaces for Indigenous members.
In our community of practice we have discussions around topics that include but not limited to:
- Trends we are seeing with employers and Indigenous students
- Working with employers who want to hire Indigenous students
- How to build relationships with students and employers
- Working with non-Indigenous students who want to work with indigenous communities
- Building capacity within our Institutions to support Indigenous students who participate in WIL
Our CoP believes in increasing access and retention for indigenous students in WIL within our institutions we discuss all of the challenges and success we experience along the way while working toward that common goal. These conversations are great to have amongst Indigenous work-integrated learning practitioners but we believe that these conversations need to be had by all work-integrated learning practitioners, and those who interact with Indigenous students on a regular and ongoing basis.
Stream: Governance and Leadership Empowerment
- Cultural awareness
- Recruiting, training, retaining and engaging faculty, staff, students, and community
- Community engagement and empowerment

Associate Director, Indigenous and Canada North | CEWIL Canada