
Advancing Holistic Climate Action Planning at Mohawk College

April 28, 2024 10:30 - 11:30 Macleod 1&2View map

Mohawk College has launched its new Climate Action Plan, which commits the college to ambitious climate targets.

This session will explore how Mohawk is using a cross-college approach to advancing climate action in three key areas: Leading by Example, Future Ready Graduates, Research and Partnerships. It will provide an overview of the governance approach that powers action on all three pillars and provides collaboration and visibility across the various aspects of the plan.

The session will include a deep dive into ongoing work on the School of Climate Action – outlining the background to the creation of the school, our approach to degree development – and lessons learned as the college tackles the resource development, space planning, and other logistical challenges associated with launching this unique new school.

Presented by: Mowhawk College


Cebert Adamson
Vice President, Academic | Mohawk College
Michael Dean
Director of Carbon, Energy and Sustainability | Mohawk College
David Santi
Dean of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship and Interim Dean, School for Climate Action | Mohawk College
About our Connection Conference

Growing Talent

April 29 – May 1, 2024

Growing talent for a resilient future
CICan’s annual Connection Conference is the only event of its kind. Hosted in collaboration with Bow Valley College and SAIT, this year’s theme will offer postsecondary leaders and stakeholders from across Canada and around the world the opportunity to discuss, share, and be inspired by how we are growing talent for success in a rapidly changing world.

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