Unlocking Innovation: Collaborative Partnerships Between Colleges and Start-ups
February 13, 2024 10:15 - 11:15
Richelieu (SI)
Stream: Growing Innovation in Canadian Firms
This stream will highlight the role of college research in supporting collaborations with for-profit entities. Panels will include discussions on successful business innovation projects, strategies for identifying and solidifying business partnerships, unique methods for leveraging funding or encouraging private investment, and other projects and approaches relevant to supporting business-focused innovation services.

Laura Payne
Chief Enablement Officer (CNO) & VP Security | White Tuque
Chief Enablement Officer (CNO) & VP Security | White Tuque
Rich Freeman
Faculty | Georgian College
Faculty | Georgian College
Miran Qarachatani
Student Researcher | Lakehead University-Georgian College Partnership
Student Researcher | Lakehead University-Georgian College Partnership