Enhancing Applied Research Capacity to Increase Access to Innovation in Newfoundland and Labradors Community Sector
February 13, 2024 14:45 - 15:45
Stream: Growing Social Innovation
This stream will highlight the role of college research in supporting non-profit organizations, community service organizations, or similar entities. Panels will include discussions on successful social innovation projects, long-term partnerships with relevant partners, innovative ways of leveraging funding for social innovation, and other projects, approaches, and items relevant to social innovation.

Michael Long
Dean of Applied Research and Innovation: | College of the North Atlantic
Dean of Applied Research and Innovation: | College of the North Atlantic
Charlie Dalton
Cartographic Technician | College of the North Atlantic
Cartographic Technician | College of the North Atlantic
Heather Ward
Director of Technology Access Centre | College of the North Atlantic
Director of Technology Access Centre | College of the North Atlantic
Ashley Nguyen
Faculty Researcher | College of the North Atlantic
Faculty Researcher | College of the North Atlantic